OÜ AT Nobe located on planet Earth
Tartu land, 61709, Soinaste village
Kambja vald, Linnavere tee 8a
Estonia – the land of nothing …
WAT nr: EE100298000
Open: We are closed. Tyre service is closed!
Service tel/fax: 7412310
“Main balls” telefon: 5016092 – Hr. Artur Taivere info @ atnobe.ee
Service Master: 7412310 – Hr. Artur Taivere rehvid@atnobe.ee
Bookkeeper: 5222219 – Ave Taivere Ave Taivere arved @ atnobe.ee
Main mail : info@atnobe.ee
“Nail in tire, soul on fire – in the snakes are no desire”
No emotions in my wife, she is like a stupid nife,
Empty smile and lazy boobs, she is like a NATO troops.
Often cold like space and ice – i am fire, that is nice,
Also just a money sourse. Darling, when i get divorse?
How to find us?
- Tartu -Võru road 2 kilometer.
- AT Nobe take off on 4 ride road …
- Coming from Võru, drive to the small town of Tõrvandi, from there along Tamme Street past Respo Haagis until the first roundabout, where you have to turn right. Rehe Hotell against our company.
- If you come from space, we will be in the same hole. We haven’t moved anywhere in 2500 years … Or if, then back …
You are free to answer this question. I would be gratefull for your cooperation with me …